Blood Thinners and Periods – What Your Doctor Failed to Tell You

I was in for quite a shock when I had my first post-PE period on Eliquis, so frightened that I thought I might need to go to the ER.

Out of the 7 doctors I’ve interacted with, only 1 mentioned menstruating on blood thinners being possibly different than without. Here’s what I’ve gathered, not from doctors, but from my own experiences and from scouring message boards of many women unable to find answers elsewhere. For those of you who already had heavy periods, or had light periods, periods on blood thinners can reach a new level of hell.

  1. You may bleed more than 2x what is normal for your period on blood thinners. Thus far, I’ve bled at least twice as much as a typical period. The average blood loss per period is about 2-4 ounces (4 for heavier periods). When I actually counted last month, I lost 8 ounces of blood. I wear a diva cup, and this means changing it out every 2 hours when my period is at its heaviest AND wearing a pad or pantyliner for extra protection. This level of bleeding can last days, or in some extreme cases, weeks. In the DVT forum linked above, several women noted that their bleeding increased 3-fold or more. For those of you who currently have full-time jobs, I don’t know how you do it on blood thinners.
  2. Your period may last longer on blood thinners. My “heavy days” went from up to 2 days to up to 5 days, bumping my typical 5-day period up to 8 days. Some women have shared that their period lasts 8-14 days. When I see that, I realize I’m probably one of the luckier ones.
  3. Your period may be completely irregular. Mine varies widely from month-to-month with regard to flow, cramping, etc. I can’t predict when it will shift from early, light flow to heavy flow or back again. The consistency will also change rapidly (clots, watery, etc.) The shift can be quick, and no two periods have been alike thus far in my experience.
  4. You may start your period earlier than is typical. Since being on blood thinners, my period starts at least 4-5 days early. Guess what that means? I have about 2 to 2 and 1/2 period free weeks before the madness starts all over again.
  5. Cramps are just as bad as they always were. Mine haven’t worsened on blood thinners, just stayed the same. But I’m one of those people who has debilitating cramps if I don’t preventatively medicate or catch them fast enough. For example, prior to blood thinners, I would wake up one night per period with terrible cramps that take 2 hours to recede after taking medicine right away (even if I took medicine at bedtime). Unfortunately, because NSAIDs interact with blood thinning medication, I’m off Ibuprofen and now using my leftover Norco (from the hospital stay) to treat cramps (just a half or 1/3 pill when the pain is at its worst). If anyone has any sure-fire ways to reduce bad cramping immediately other than sexual activity, warm compress, or hot baths, please share your tips!
  6. Anemia is a real risk for women on blood thinners who menstruate. I have had 3 heavy, blood thinner periods thus far and luckily have not experienced any symptoms of anemia, but I’m constantly on alert (oddly, my doctor has not advised that I have a blood test to check hemoglobin levels yet despite knowing that I have super-heavy periods, which puts the impetus back on me to advocate for it). Some women in the DVT forum above have relayed horror stories of ER visits due to neverending periods and anemia. Be on alert for the signs: a sudden change in which you feel fatigued, dizziness/feeling faint, shortness of breath, pale skin, weakness, irritability, irregular/rapid heartbeat, etc. Talk to your doctor if you have these symptoms and/or very heavy periods on blood thinners. It seems crazy to have to remind them that you’re menstruating on blood thinners, but you probably will have to remind them.

For those of you who experienced a PE or DVT and menstruate on blood thinners, this is a great opportunity to share your advice and suggestions for surviving hellish periods in the comments below!

112 thoughts on “Blood Thinners and Periods – What Your Doctor Failed to Tell You

  1. Thanks for writing this. I’m on Eliquis too. My first period on Eliquis was a nightmare. Clots from hell and so much blood, plus cramping.
    I found this post because my period (2nd one since starting Eliquis) started 7 days early so I was trying to find out if that happened to other women.
    I have asked and talked about my period on Eliquis to 3 doctors (my primary, my nephrologist, my cardiologist) all said my period would be unaffected, other than it might be slightly heavier. They are all either clueless or liars.


    1. Yes, unfortunately this happens all the time. Doctors are either completely clueless or uninformed. Even when they know that birth control caused the PE, they still don’t put it together that you’re going to be on blood thinners with a period that isn’t dampened by birth control. I didn’t even hear mention of it until I talked to a hematologist (blood specialist), so maybe the 4th or 5th doctor I interacted with? Even he downplayed it, so that I still felt completely unprepared when it happened.


      1. Hi I just had my IUD removed on 2/15 and just started blood thinners on 2/11 /19 all my gym said to me was she couldn’t give me any kind of birth control. My period is very heavy and the cramps are the worst. So bad I had to lay on the floor at work. Luckily I had Tylenol s with me. My co worker gave me a hot water bottle . After what felt like forever the pain subsided . But wow! I never had such bad pain .


      2. They don’t know the reason I’ve been getting blood clots (PE and DVT). They think it might be genetics since my mom has had them too. My doctor is very understanding with the blood thinner and menturating. I’ve stopped taking the blood thinners due to it. He referred me to get an ablation with the Mirena IUD to try and stop the bleeding. Unfortunately, I tend to always have the rare or very rare medical reactions, which ended up causing complications. The OBGYN said it was only the second time in his 20 year career he’d seen this problem. So they ended up doing a hysterectomy, and it was one week after I turned 34. Fortunately I am done have children. But I’m back on blood thinners and there’s obviously no bleeding. It’s just unfortunate that us women have to go through these extreme measures, especially at such young ages.
        I know oral birth control and blood clots do not go together, and that’s the reason my doctor always recommends IUDs. I can’t imagine a doctor suggest an IUD be removed when that’s the best option for this type of situation. I hope you’re able to find another doctor that’s more educated and understanding of your situation.


    2. I am so glad I found this…. I travel for work and most of the time in 3rd world or communist countries. I am on Eliquis for life, per my Hemotologist. My periods are terrible… the pain is terrible, I have clots the size of golf balls most times and I am scared. These post helped me a lot to worry but not….


    3. Hi,
      I’m so glad someone is talking about this. Back in Feb 2018, I was put on xarelto for life. Immediately after starting xarelto, I got my period 3 wks early. Scary heavy. I’ve had irregular period for the last 20 months. The days when it’s excessively heavy, I have to change a super pad and super tampon combo every 45 min, otherwise it soaks right through my clothes.

      I’ve become very anemic, on and off. Several ER visits, I’ve had 3 rounds of Injectafer and 4 blood transfusions, prob getting another this week. Last month I was hospitalized twice because bleed so much I fainted and hit my head (ending up with a concussion) And the second because I’ve developed arrhythmia from the on going anemia. At times my heart beats too fast while at rest or dangerously slow.

      I wish doctors would tell us what we can expect on blood thinners. I understand these medications prevent more clots, but severe anemia can cause organ damage, which bring on a whole new world of trouble.

      My doctors told me my only choice to stop the bleeding was a hysterectomy. I didn’t want to do it because at I didn’t want to cut out perfectly healthy organs.


      1. Hello – I don’t know your individual circumstances, but did your doctor discuss a Mirena IUD? I was on Xarelto and, similar to the others who found this post, was blindsided by my subsequent periods. A Mirena IUD did help reduce the bleeding to a more manageable level. It was not the most comfortable the first few months, but a year later (and off Xarelto now), I am thrilled with my IUD!


  2. Thank you for writing this. I just had a PE last Thursday and was put on Eliquis and taken off my BC. I used to take my BC so I only had 4 periods a year and those were ridiculously uneventful. Mine started last night and holy hell. I use a Diva Cup and have to change it every 2 hours or so. I set an alarm to wake me up every two hours tonight to empty it and have a waterproof pad on the bed for accidents, which I already have had. I wish I didn’t have to leave the house tomorrow, but I have an unrelated drs appt 2 hours away. So there will be a stop there and back to change and hoping to God I make it through my appt without having to run out of the room. I’m too old for kids, can’t I just shut the spigot off?? And I’m already anemic according to the hospital from recent surgery that brought on the PE. This is a nightmare.


      1. Yea my OBGYN talked about it being an option but I’m only 25 I don’t want to make that decision and regret it later because although I don’t want children right now I might my hematologist is monitoring my iron levels and has mentioned IV iron to prevent anemia but I have to go to work today which sucks I’ve ruined my clothes once already at work it wouldn’t be so bad if I could stay in bed all day.


      2. Ah, I see. That is really tough…I wish doctors were more knowledgeable about how to support women who struggle with periods on blood thinners because it is uncontrollable when it’s happening!


      3. I had an ablation 4 years ago. It’s been great – no periods for 4 years. I was put on xarelto (blood thinner) on a sunday due to a blood clot in my leg. Thursday evening I started bleeding and today is sunday with no signs of it slowing down. I’m miserable.


    1. I started Eliquis in late May for heart problems. My period had been absent for nearly a year. I turned 47 in April so thought I was possibly starting menopause. Which I was totally ok with. Then, it started again. During July through September, my period was normal. Then October hit and holy hell!!!
      My period was extremely heavy for 7 days. Clots like I had never experienced. Then it stopped. 2 days later after a shower, I passed yet another huge clot and my period continued on for another 9 days!!!! Very heavy and clots that were enormous.
      Yesterday my period started again. It has only been gone for 11 days. And already it is a nightmare. I am gonna NG through a super, overnight pad every hour to two hours. I read that some women were told to cut their blood thinners in half or stop taking them for a few days. It has been 24 hours since my last blood thinner but nothing is slowing down. I mentioned this tob3 doctors last month and none seemed concerned.
      I am already severely anemic so right now I feel like I am going through a double hell. I am trying to live life. I am a single mom to a little girl who turned 5 last week. She doesn’t understand that Mommy doesn’t have the energy to take a walk or even get on the floor to play. I feel like I am failing her but it is so difficult when taking a shower makes you feel like you need to take a nap for about an hour. I am praying for relief and answers.
      I am empathetic to everyone on this thread and wish us all relief.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was so happy to read about your experience! I turned 53 last year and thought I hit menopause be cause I have not had my period in a year! All of a sudden..surprise! My period started and its making me crazy! I am on blood thinners due to heart issues and its reaking havoc with my body. I am high risk for covid so I only leave my house for shopping. and my Dr. visits have to be virtual. I am almost to the point to stop taking my blood thinners for a awhile, and wait this out. Heart issues be damned!!!


  3. My first period on xerelto lasted 10 days I’d change an overnight pad every 45min to an hour I passed a large clot almost every time I went to the restroom
    it seems to pour out for a second upon standing my second period came 7 days later where I bled lightly with dark blood for the first 6 I’m now on day 10
    and it’s heavy like the first this is horrible I swear to never complain about another period if I ever get a normal
    One after blood thinners

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sorry to hear it! It is terrible to be bleeding on blood thinners. If you are going to be on blood thinners for more than 6 months and you aren’t interested in having children, you might look into an endometrial ablation. If I had been on blood thinners for more than 6 months, I would have looked into it, but unfortunately, my OBGYN at the time didn’t even mention that it was a possibility.


      1. My comment is too late for this post, but for future women reading, I also recommend the Mirena IUD if you are not immediately planning to have children. No estrogen, SIGNIFICANTLY less bleeding, and you can take it out and get pregnant the next day. If not, leave it in for protection / period management for 5 years. It made my periods on Xarelto manageable (still long, but not terrifying) and now that I am done with thinners, my periods are so, so light!


    2. This was similar to my first period on xarelto too. Having been on very light for a day or two for a year . I suddenly went so heavy I was changing every 15mins. I had a female boss who let me work from home so it was easier for me. I honestly thought I was going to bleed to death. I have never bled like that.
      After a full examination and scans they decided it was the thinners.
      I had 6wks off xarelto and now back on them. My period was 2 v v light days and this time I am currently on my 10th day with no sign of it stopping.
      Doc has suggested a coil which can stop period completely but a recent smear test was so painful I will just live with them.


    3. I know this post is old but did you ever find relief? I’m so happy to have found this site and these comments (even though I’m not happy you ladies are going through this too) but I’m wondering if anyone has been able to make it stop? I’d love an update!

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  4. Really good to see I’m not the only one who is experiencing this issue. Unfortunately men don’t have periods (well certainly not in my lifetime), and can never know what it feels like or impacts on us. This difficulty becomes magnified when on blood thinners and it’s no surprise that any of the male medics I saw bothered to tell me what to expect.

    So I’ve been taking xarelto 2 x 15 mg daily for just over 2 weeks having been diagnosed with DVT in my leg. I started my period about 10 days in, and wow what an experience. I l had to use super plus pads with tampons at the same time, but still had to change every 1.5 hours for the first 2-3 days. I felt weak whilst at work and had to take some time off, not least because I was in and out of the bathroom. I then ditched the tampons but went through so many pads, I was scared. I’m now at the other end of this nightmare, but not looking forward to my next period..
    I think it’s really important that other women get to know the reality of using blood thinners and having a period – being forewarned is being forearmed as they say…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for this information. Like the rest of you I wasn’t told anything about what to expect while on blood thinners. I am on Plavix and this is my first period. After reading this and a lot of the comments how do you know when to seek medical care if your bleeding so heavy? And can you still use tampons?


    1. You’re welcome! Yes, you can use whatever you need (diva cup, pad, tampons, etc.). I would contact an on-call nurse through your insurance. Not sure what plan you’re on, but most plans have on-call professionals who can talk you through what to do. You might contact your insurance company and ask. I was told that I could bleed heavily for like 6-7 days before needing to go to the ER by an on-call (male) doctor, but people’s advice will vary, which is why I’d advise contacting your medical professionals (doctor, nurse, etc.).


  6. At 24 I was not expecting to be diagnosed with a DVT and nobody warned me about the thinners effect. I had to wear depends through most of my period and was changing them every two/three hours.


      1. Interesting comments here. I’ve been using norplant or depo Provera for 27 years.
        Meaning I I haven’t had a period in 27 years.
        After my knee replacement I ended up with PE’s in both lungs.
        I’ve been taking 5mg of Eliquis twice a day since January.
        And I can no longer have birth control.
        I wasn’t even sure that I would have a period at all,
        After being on those birth controls for so long.
        It’s been three months since I was a due for my last depo, and I’m just now starting to spot and cramp.
        To top it off I have a paper allergy so no tampons or pads I’ve always used the soft cup in the past.
        After reading all your comments about being heavy I suppose I should buy a few extra boxes


      2. It is good to be prepared. I never knew that blood thinners could bring back periods full force for people who haven’t had them for years, but you and some other women have mentioned this.


  7. Thank you for your post. I am 3 weeks on Eloquis and just got my first period. Since I turned 30, my periods have gotten lighter with inconsistent symptoms so I could get away with a thick panty liner and only use a tampon once or twice for heavy days. THIS period has been a novel experience, though. The flow has been so heavy I was concerned so I decided to google around. My doctor did mention, almost as an aside, that my periods could be slightly heavier but gave me no other information about what to expect or what to do or when to seek aid. I went to every GP and hematologist appointment with a list of questions but never left feeling entirely satisfied. Sometimes it felt like their responses to my questions amounted to a shrug of, “I dunno.” This entire situation (the clots/blood thinners) has been scary and, lately, I’ve found myself overwhelmed by all the unknowns. What do I eat/drink? Have I been sitting too long? Have I been standing too long? Am I active enough? Am I too sedentary? Does holding my arm ‘like so’ decrease risk? Does lying like this increase risk? Do I have control over anything? Or, is everything random and unavoidable? It is comforting and useful to read your post and the other comments. Just knowing there are other women out there sharing their experiences lessens my anxiety.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I had those same fears when I was on Eliquis for 6 months. “Am I sitting working on my laptop too long?” “Is it too dangerous to fly?” “What activities put me at risk for more clots?” It felt like everything suddenly became a risk, not to mention the risks in internal bleeding when taking blood thinners themselves! Most doctors I interacted with seemed completely indifferent, ill-informed, or annoyed when I talked to them and didn’t mention any of the possible side effects of blood thinners. Luckily, I never had any serious issues and got off of blood thinners safely, and (knock on wood) have been healthy, and I’ve been off of blood thinners for an entire year now.

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      1. I had 7 PE,s when I was 37 ,I was put on warfarin for 6months.I was told I would need a coil. I had the mirena and it was fine for 5 years. I had no periods, I had another PE and continued with warfarin. Then my Inr was too low and had heparin for 2 weeks. One of the injections caused me to have an internal bleed.I was put on apixiban and ever since I have had periods from he’ll they are really heavy even though I still have a coil.


  8. Thank you! This has been a wonderful reason to find! I’m almost 3 months in to my six months of Xarelto and I just started my second period (I had been irregular as I came off the depo shot). My heavy days are crime scene worthy, the nurse asked me how my last period was… this was the first I learned about the impact the medication would have on my cycle.

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  9. Started Eliquis July 2, 2018 after a mini stroke and a blood clot in my calf that developed after foot surgery May 11. I describe it as bleeding to death, I’ve gone through 6 overnight pads in 12 hours, flooding in a huge horrible issue. Took my lunch today to run to CVS to buy baby wipes and longer overnight maxi pads to try to make it through work, my underwear was trashed and I was double covered. I feel hopeless, gross, dirty and frankly a little sorry for myself. I’ve talked to my regular doctor, my cardiologist, with no guidance in 2 weeks I’ll bring it up with my hematologist maybe he can save me. I learned at 4:30 this morning and after work tonight Dawn Platinum gets out dried blood ,so far in 18 hours it’s saved 3 pair of panties and just bottoms. I’m very happy I stumbled upon this blog in my search, nice to meet you ladies.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad you found this site! It is unfortunate that we don’t have more resources/accurate information for women from medical professionals about this issue and have to rely on each other for support and information!


  10. I have been on Xarelto for 4 months now after having a blood clot on my brain due to birth control pills. Let me tell you, these periods are HORRENDOUS! I am going through a super plus tampon every 20-30 minutes. I am having to miss work because I have bled through my clothes. I am also on day 8 of this period. My Dr. is switching me to Eliquis I am hoping that it is better than the Xarelto. Has anyone else had better luck with Eliquis than Xarelto?


    1. Don’t do it. I was put on eloquis on 3 /6/20 and it is 4/4/20 and I am still bleeding. Three bloid transfusion later, I am still suffering


    2. I am on xarelto also and I have been so terrified of changing anything for fear of another clot. But my periods are almost unbearable they are so heavy that I hate to go anywhere for fear of bleeding through and being exhausted. I’m so grateful that I found this post it has eased many of my fears and I don’t feel like such a weirdo. I know this didn’t answer any of your questions but I sure hope you found answers somewhere. I pray that you remain in good health.


  11. Thank you for this! I was warned (in literature) about heavier periods, but I’m not sure I would’ve ever been prepared for what actually happens! I’m 37 and had a DVT and PE (due to BC) at the beginning of this month. And it’s true, no one knows what to do when you’re “so young!” and have a PE – that has been the most frustrating part of this whole experience. I didn’t even think about my iron levels — I will be PM’ing my doctor. Thank you all for sharing your experiences!


  12. I am on Eliquis after developing a DVT that the drs seem to think was caused by the Depo shot. I have been on the depo shot for a year and after 4 weeks of taking eliquis, The bleeding, cramping and clots are horrible. I am not due to get my next depo shot until Oct 11th, which I am not getting, but I still have the hormones in my system and should not be bleeding like this. I have been bleeding for almost 3 weeks now. UGH!


  13. So I had a kidney transplant back in Jan 18 and have been on large amounts of medication since still not feeling great. To add to the issue my leg started hurting in July/Aug and after seeing my specialist revealed a large blood clot in my leg to cut a long story short they put me on blood thinner. I thought I was menopausal from March 18 as haven’t had a period for 6 months and am definitely not pregnant, symptoms of menopause were bad, confused at little things, blotting, hair loss, hot sweats,, half a month on blood thinners and my period came back, really concerned I will now have periods and menopausal symptoms on top of kidney issues! Period is heavy, have been trying to hold down a full time job all through this but it’s getting quite hard. Just want normality again!


  14. I’ve just started taking blood thinners and am due to have a period any day now. Feeling very anxious, and also shocked that not a single doctor or nurse brought this up with me before discharging me from hospital.


  15. I have to take Coumadin forever bc of blood clots. The specifics of my case aside, my period was AWFUL. I couldn’t leave the house and it lasted a good four days longer than usual. After a year of dealing with it I went to a fabulous OB who suggested IUD mirena (the only one safe to use without bad hormones that cause clots). It has helped a whole bunch, and I experience minimal spotting now (most people they don’t have periods at all). It has drawbacks, like breaking out before my mini period, but it’s better than being confined to the house. Hope this helps.


    1. Thanks for the info! I was also told the benefits of Mirena generally outweighed the risks from one doctor, although another doctor said no hormonal treatments were appropriate given clotting risks. It really depends on the doctor, but it seems like this was a good choice for you! Others may want to discuss this option with their doctors as well.

      Liked by 2 people

  16. So helpful! At 20 years old I never expected to be on blood thinners, but here I am. I had horrendous periods to begin with, which is why I was on a double dose of birth control. Now my first period on eliquis is an absolute nightmare. I can’t make it through a night without leaking, even with double protection and getting up to change it. I’m going through supers within an hour, my cramps come in waves and last anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour and my clots are the size of golf balls.
    I tried explaining my periods to my doctor before starting the blood thinners and they responded with “Well it might not even effect you.” I seriously hope this doesn’t last longer than a week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you found the site. I have YET to hear from a single person whose period wasn’t negatively affected by blood thinners, so it sounds like your doctors had no idea what they were talking about, as per usual.


  17. Hi Gals,

    I’m a very active 40 and had a large DVT in my left leg likely from combo birth control pills but ruled so far as unprovoked. I was given Fragmin injections to start and skipped my period (btw which never happens). Was switched to Xarelto and holy smokes, the first period on that was 12 days long with the demon spawn clots y’all seem to be familiar with. It started out normal enough and then the flooding and the clotting came around day 6. In the meantime I had switched to the mini pill which hasn’t done a whole hell of a lot to dam the river. I went to emerg on day 10 after waking up in an absolute mess and after a yucky pelvic exam was given a scrip for Tranrxamic acid as I was borderline anemic. It didn’t seem to help much so I stopped but mercifully my period ended two days later. What a glorious day that was. So hemo doc then switched me to Eliqiuis. My period reprieve lasted about 12 days and now I’m into day 6 of period 2 now on Eliquis. How much lining can grow in 12 days?! What the heck am I even bleeding at this point! It started normally flow wise and seemed to be tapering until I flooded unexpectedly in a meeting today. Aargh! And on it seems to be going again this evening, like the tapering was a huge Gotcha! So frustrated! I will try the acid again for longer to see if it works though they did not give me much. The hemo doc also has a scrip waiting for me just in case but can’t remember what that drug was called.

    I am wondering if any of you have fibroids as I can’t think of what in my uterus can be causing this bleeding.How much lining can seriously grow in such a short period of time. I am going to my gyno to ask for an ultrasound to rule out anything there as fibroids are rampant in my family. I’ve heard of fibroids causing DVTs so want to make sure it wasn’t the cause as well. She is also pushing Mirena for me after thinners but IUDs can be dicey if you have fibroids. I will also never complain about my heavy periods before thinners. Thinner periods are life altering!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t have fibroids when I had terrible bleeding on blood thinners. I think the body justs keep bleeding because it won’t clot the way it normally does, even though you don’t have any more uterine lining than usual…but that’s just my guess. It’s terrible! One of my doctors said Mirena was generally safe but I didn’t opt for it. I was only on blood thinners for 6 months, though.

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    2. Hi, I have just turned 48 and have very large fibroids in my uterus. I was scheduled to have a hysterectomy at the start of March to fix the problem but unfortunately I ended up with a DVT and then PE. As it was my second DVT I am now on blood thinners for life. I am awaiting my first period with severe anxiety due to the fact that my last DVT in January 2017 caused me such grief with my periods that I was sure I would bleed to death. I ended up needing a blood transfusion my anaemia was so bad, and after that multiple iron infusions. The drs here have prescribed me Goseraline to fool my body into thinking it is in menopause, but when I went for my first shot they discovered they couldn’t give it to me because it was not on the pharmaceutical benefit scheme do they have to apply for funding. Therefore I am on my own with at least my first period and nobody knows what to do. When I asked the gynaecologists, they suggested if I haemorrhage then I need to go to the emergency department! Not sure what they will do- maybe anotherblood transfusion!


      1. Wow, that is terrible!!!!! I can’t believe you don’t have other options available to you! Would you possibly be a candidate for an ablation before you have to get a hysterectomy?


      2. Well, my period is here and day two I went to emergency. The tampon lasts half an hr before soaking through the pads. Gynaecology Drs said ablation wouldn’t help because my fibroids are too big- one is 14cm. He said a Mirena would be pushed out by the fibroids too! Anyway, at emergency the Dr put me on PrimolutN until they can get funding for Goseralin because he said the risk of bleeding out needs to be balanced with the risks of blood clots. PrimolutN is contraindicated for blood clots. I’m feeling quite nervous, but see my GP in the morning, who I trust.


  18. Hello! I’m so thankful I ran across your website. I’m on Day 1 of my first period after having been on Eliquis for almost a month due to pulmonary embolism (2 clots in the lung) stemming from fibroid removal surgery. As with many others who have posted on this page, the bleeding has been ‘excessive’ to say the least along with ridiculous cramping.and it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet. Normally I could eliminate my cramps with ibuprofen but that’s no longer an option — Tylenol nor oxycodone ease the pain so I’m simply stuck until my cycle is over. I had the fibroids removed in order to have less menstrual pain and bleeding….now Eliquis is basically canceling the efforts of that difficult surgery in order to save my life due to complications from the surgery. Can’t win for losing! (Needed to vent.) Thank you all for sharing your experiences and helping me understand that what I’m experiencing is not uncommon and what signs and symptoms to monitor until I’ve finished the treatment period. Best wishes to you all!


  19. I am 31. I just got put on xarelto for a clot in my leg after a knee surgery. I am on day 13 of my period. And I am genuinely wondering at this point if it is going to stop on its own or if I will have to seek help. It slowed down around day 8 and 9, but then towards the end of day 9, it will like “oh, jk” and it was full blast again. My normal is 4 days, 1 of those “heavy”, and 1 pad a day. My first period on blood thinners so far has been 13 days, 7 days of what used to be my one “heavy” day, 2 light days, and 4 days of 4-6 pads a day, messing up my clothes. I do see clots come out. They look like earth worms, in size and shape. None of my doctors have been helpful. My knee doctor, the prescribing doctor, doesn’t have much to add except for, “call your gynecologist.” Don’t blame him of course. Not his area of expertise. All my gynecologist had to offer was, “if you have excessive blood loss, go the ER.” My PCP doesn’t seem to want any part of this. Just refers me back to my knee doctor.
    I really just want to know if it will stop on its own. And how long I should expect between periods. And then will it return to normal after the 6 months of blood thinners.
    And why the absolute hell is it so hard to find information about this???? What is typical. What is less common. What you should seek medical care for. So difficult to find any of that. All I found was horror stories. I didn’t even find this link! I pleaded for information on Facebook and a friend sent me this link.


    1. How frustrating, but I’m glad you found this site!
      As far as some of your questions go, different people will have different experiences on blood thinners. Your period will eventually stop, but no one knows when that will be for you. I had about 2 to 2 and 1/2 weeks between periods when on blood thinners, which was a terrible experience, because I was starting my period a week early after my period lasted longer than usual, so you will probably experience periods closer together than they should be. I was lucky and had 8 day periods on Eliquis, though. Are you exercising regularly? I started jogging 3-4 times a week after a two months of being on blood thinners and it shortened my period and reduced my total blood loss in the following months. Go the the doctor if you start feeling dizzy, extreme fatigue, or weak and show symptoms of anemia. Other than that, your body will stop eventually, but it’s a pain to have to wait. Some folks have had to go the ER for bleeding for too long, so if it keeps going, stay in touch with whichever doctor will actually answer your questions.
      I’m not sure why it’s so hard to find information….I just found a forum when I had my PE and saw how many women were experiencing hellish, long, bloody periods, so I included the link in my blog. I think women’s experiences in terms of medical care have really been neglected in general and we’re finally seeing how problematic this is when half of our population is treated like men when we have different bodies and completely different reproductive symptoms. So few doctors even know that this causes extreme bleeding during periods. All of the doctors I interacted with KNEW my blood clots were because of birth control and that I was stopping birth control and didn’t say anything (my hematologist mentioned it briefly, but in passing). The rest said nothing, so I felt blindsided too, which is why I posted about it here, in the hopes that folks would find each other. A lot of people find my blog by searching “blood thinners + periods,” I think.

      Anyway, glad you found this site! I know it feels isolating to be alone in this, but there are so many women out there going through this…it’s just hard to know where to find them!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I exercise every day actually, but unfortunately, at the moment, it is pretty much just my upper body I am exercising. Since my knee surgery, I haven’t been able to do much with my legs.
        My period ended up lasting 15 days. And I think the only reason it stopped was because I was close to ovulating. I started ovulation like 2 days later.
        I do wonder if the cause of my blood clot was my nuvaring or my surgery. But I suppose I won’t ever know. Either way I feel a little better prepared for the next 5 months after finding this blog.
        Also. Can we talk about how god awful expensive these blood thinners are?! Mine is $997 a month. That is just insane. I can’t imagine being put on one for life.

        Liked by 1 person

  20. Hi everyone! I really think it would be helpful to have folks connecting in more of a real-time group than commenting here and there, so just a thought for you or for any women who want to connect with other women going through this. If anyone decides to create a Facebook group for women on blood thinners, please let me know and I’ll post the name of the group publicly for folks to find here!

    Would anyone like to take on starting a Facebook group? I’ve created a different interest group in the past on Facebook, and it only takes a few minutes. Contact me directly or comment if you’re up for it!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I am in my 3rd PE. Each time there has been a lot of blood, I agree it is like a crime scene. There is an emotional component that is much more intense than I experienced with menses before I was on blood thinners. I have been crying out of nowhere, which is unusual for me. Next month I will plan ahead and take the days off of work. There is also this physical feeling of mild euphoria. All of my muscles feel relaxed. I am not on any other medications, and I don’t have any explanation as to why I feel so good.


  22. I was so unprepared for my first period on Eliquis. I also have PCOS so I was accustomed to irregular bleeding…or so I thought. Nothing could’ve prepared me for the morning I woke up with my period… I stood up after getting out of bed and blood gushed down my legs. I was in shock for a moment until I realized I was actually dripping on the carpet. Yuck! I grabbed my pillowcase off of my pillow and made a quick makeshift diaper for myself as I hobbled to the beathroom which thankfully has tile-easier to clean and disinfect. After toileting, I decided I would go to the store and grab some adult Depends, terribly humiliating at age 34. People look at me and think I’m fine or lazy for being able to work, but this bleeding lasts 2 weeks. I’m fatigued alot and as a single mom of a 5 and 9 year old, I can’t exactly go back to my factory job walking 10+ miles a day. I don’t want to risk more PE’s or DVT, so I’m going to have to swallow my pride and allow God to humble me as I apply for disability. I’ve been told that I may never go off of blood thinners. Now I struggle with depression as well as ADHD. I’ve definitely learned not to ever judge someone based upon whether they work or not. I’m also looking for work from home opportunities.


  23. I’m having the exact same issues. I developed a DVT post ankle surgery that gave me 3 PE’s. I’ve been on Xerelto 2 weeks and just started my first period. This is a nightmare! I can’t sleep because I have to get up so frequently to change my super plus tampon. The flooding comes so fast that I can’t get to the toilet quick enough. I am having to change my tampon every 10-30 minutes. I called my Dr office and spoke with female PA. She told me this is very normal on thinners but if bleeding didn’t slow down in a couple of days I would need my blood count checked. She also told me that your body adapts and each period will less severe than the one before. Anyone noticing this?


    1. I started exercising right during my blood thinner phase, so it’s hard to say whether it was exercise or my body adjusting that led to a decrease in blood loss over 6 months. I’d love to hear others’ thoughts.


  24. Thank you for writing this. When I was first put on Xarelto, not one doctor asked me about my periods or even let me know there may an an issue. They said “get an electric razor and a soft toothbrush.” I spent a lot of time on Google, trying to find information and came across your blog.

    Since then, I’ve done a lot of research on my own (I’m a science teacher, so I want to understand the physiology). I will leave my blog post here, in case it is helpful for anyone else. Warning: it is long and science-y!


    1. I really appreciate your blog post! Nicely organized and included a lot of information I didn’t even get to, and as someone with an extensive background in the social sciences, I can appreciate how methodical you were.
      I didn’t even think to get a blood thinner bracelet for safety/emergencies, but what a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

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  25. Just wondering if anyone has smoked cigarettes with a blood clot, its coming new years eve and i would love a cigarette, i only smoke when i have a drink and, my plan is to give them away totally in 2019


  26. Hi all! Wow am I glad to have found this page!!! I just turned 35 and suffered PE a few days before my birthday apparently due to having my 3rd c section birth – which is had only 9 weeks before being hospitalised with PE. I also have 2 other children and a step child. I am on warfarin because I’m also breastfeeding… so I was quite surprised when my period returned yesterday! And nothing prepares me for this horror!!!!! I woke covered in blood, in put a tampon in and jumped straight in the shower – BLOOD STILL COMING OUT EVEN THOUGH I JUST PUT TAMPON IN! Clots too!! Went to bathroom from shower to change tampon and put on pad – so much blood I felt I needed to shower again!! I went out and got super everything and now I’m wearing super overnight pads as well as super tampon and needing to change tampon at least once an hour. I bought a diva cup after reading some girls online used them in this situation and while they need to change every 2ish hours, it still sounds better than what’s happening to me right now. Anyone here use diva cup? I’m on warfarin most likely until May and I’m terrified the rest of this time will be bleeding constantly and heavily like this.


    1. Glad you found the blog!!! I use a diva cup, and used it while on blood thinners. I had to change it about every 1.5 hours on blood thinners. Diva cups take a few months to adjust to, I found, but have a lot of positive advantages. However, just as a general warning, I had to wear pads with them on blood thinners because the cup would fill and blood would leak down the sides on the outside of the cup. Even now off of blood thinners, on my heavy days, if I don’t get to a bathroom in time, my cup will leak over, so I still wear a liner/small pad on my heaviest days. I still prefer it over tampons after using diva cups for 8 years, though!


  27. I’m glad to have found this site, it’s been very informative. Here is my story….
    I had a PE at the age of 32. We think this was from having blood patches due to CFS leaks. I was put on Xarelto (I did and do currently have the Mirena IUD and it had stopped my periods completely prior to this) but I then started having heavy periods with a lot of cramps. I ended up stopping it. 7 months later, due to other medical issues, I had a picc line placed. After 2 days I developed a DVT in my arm where the PICC line was. They removed the PICC and put me on Eliquis. The Eliquis caused me to have a lot more bleeding, larger and longer amounts. My doctors have told me the Mirena should be keeping this from happening with any blood thinners, but it was affecting my lab results, so I stopped it.
    So, our plan now is to do the ablation and keep the Mirena IUD. I do have a daughter that is almost 9 and do not have any plans to have any more children even though I will only be 34 next month.
    This procedure is a very uncommon thing that is done, and almost unheard of to do both. But hopefully it will stop all my menstural bleeding. I’m scheduled for the procedure next week. Then I hope I can work on fixing the rest of medical problems.
    I’ll try and add an update and let y’all know if this combination works with the blood thinners.
    Side note, I do like the Eliquis a lot better than Xarelto, it had less side effects all around for me.

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  28. So glad I found this blog. Affected by pulmonary embolism at the beginning of the year and now eating Xarelto 20mg. My period is running right now and it’s terrible. My first thought was that I was pregnant and got miscarriage because there were big lumps. So disgusting!! It feels good to hear that more people experience the same thing when none of my doctors mentioned that this is happening. Is there any more here who received the same diagnosis? I belong to no risk group, is 37 years, well-trained, none with emboli in the family. They can’t figure out why I suffered from it. Also eat no hormones so it can’t be.
    Excuse my English writing, I am from Sweden =)


  29. What a fantastic find! Thank you! Im a very active rancher 62 years old. I live in a very rural area and had a PE, day after Christmas, didn’t know what was happening and didn’t go to the ER till 4 days later. Duh. I had clots in both lungs and oxygen levels at 70-75. I didn’t have any DVT that the scans and sonograms could find. They believe I may haveI have a blood disorder that becomes more apparent as you get older, can’t remember the name right now. I have been scouring the internet for info as I was put on Xarelto, oxygen and sent home! Got off oxygen after two days, yeah! Back to my old routine doing good. Went bowling last night and I thought I was frigging bleeding to death! So out of left field! I always had very light, infrequent periods, and haven’t had a period for a couple of years. I’m hopeful I will be able to get off the thinner in 6 months, more so now that “the curse” Lol, is returning to plague me. Reading all the posts has helped me so much and has relieved a lot of concerns.

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  30. Thank you so so so much for this. This is my second period on Eliquis… the first one was (late) pretty normal for me… this one is early and I was honestly getting scared by how much blood there is! I was thinking of trying a diva cup but I’m a little afraid to while I’m bleeding like this. The clots are insane! And again, none of my doctors mentioned more than, “your periods could be a little heavier”. Seriously? If this is a “little heavier” what do they think “normal” periods are like? Solidarity ladies ❤

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  31. It is 4 am and I just woke up after bleeding through everything. I had a PE 7 months ago and nobody told me that it would get this bad. I am 45 and had bone graft for beginning dental implants after bone and teeth loss due to infection. I am still in the process of small procedures due to the extent of the loss. Nobody ever warned me about the 1) frequency of my periods or 2) the amount of blood loss I would experience. This is my second period in three weeks and it is like a crime scene. I have had heavier period on and off the first few months but then they seemed to regulate with minimal blood loss. Since I am continuing with the dental surgeries, I am continuing on with Eliquis. I am so glad I found this post. I just bled through a “10 hour extra absorbent” pad in 5 hours. I am terrified of going to work today. Luckily my boss and most coworkers are females and I can make frequent trips to the bathroom. Thank you SO much for sharing this post and all your stories! I hope this nightmare ends soon!

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  32. Hi, is there anyone who’s in menopause and taking eliquis?
    I have a heart condition and Dr has just taken me off aspirin and onto 5mg of eliquis twice daily. Only been taking it for 5 days and am bleeding very heavily, the thing is I’ve not had a period in 2 years.


  33. Thank you for the clarification around this topic. I donated plasma for the first time two days ago which included an anticoagulant with the saline return to my body. My period is so much heavier than I can ever recall and I’m 47. This side effect was not mentioned at the time of donation or through any of the literature given. Finding an explanation tonight has been helpful.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Thank you! I just cancelled a road trip when I realized it would fall during my period. Last month I ran to my PCP thinking I was dying. I actually flooded in his office and it was humiliating. Much like other’s here I was told it would be “a little heavier”. It is easily three times as much. I am dreading it coming. I am lucky enough to work from home so in charge of my surroundings and can change things as often as needed. I feel much better knowing I am not alone.

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    1. Constance, thank you for posting the fb page! My 16yr old daughter is currently undergoing treatment for bi-lateral pulmonary emboli and having a hard time finding the balance between life while undergoing treatment and life before this nightmare. Maybe this page will offer her some comfort, understanding and guidance.

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  35. I was recently released from ICU April 4 for pe s in both lungs and molar pergancy. I just started my period tonight and it’s so bright red. I’ve been feeling faint all day before bleeding even started. I’m in elqius as well 5 mg twice a day. Glad to found this thread and helpful information. No doctor said anything to me about what to expect during period.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Interesting comments here. I’ve been using norplant or depo Provera for 27 years.
    Meaning I I haven’t had a period in 27 years.
    After my knee replacement I ended up with PE’s in both lungs.
    I’ve been taking 5mg of Eliquis twice a day since January.
    And I can no longer have birth control.
    I wasn’t even sure that I would have a period at all,
    After being on those birth controls for so long.
    It’s been three months since I was a due for my last depo, and I’m just now starting to spot and cramp.
    To top it off I have a paper allergy so no tampons or pads I’ve always used the soft cup in the past.
    After reading all your comments about being heavy I suppose I should buy a few extra boxes


  37. So glad that I came across this post. I’m 36 and had a cardiac ablation 3 days ago. I was put on 5mg Eliquis. I started my period the day after surgery and oh my gosh is it a much heavier flow than I’ve ever had. I called my cardiologist and was told to call my ObGyn because their patient demographic is not usually this young so they aren’t very familiar with the effect of blood thinners on periods. Soooooo frustrating! My OBGyn doesn’t want me to start birth control because it increases the risk of forming blood clots. Currently going through a super plus tampon and pad every 2 hours. He said to watch for signs of anemia and check back with him in a few days. I really can’t wait for this to slow down/stop though. It’s very stressful and concerning.

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  38. WOW! I am so glad I found this. I am in my 2nd month of Eliquis. I hadn’t had a menstrual cycle in 10 years. I am 39. I have PCOS a disorder that makes me grow enormous ovarian cysts and consequently had thrown me into menopause. Hot flashes and all… crazy. Then fast forward to May 2019… I was diagnosed with PE in both lungs and DVTs in both legs. I did the first week with 2 X5mg tablets twice a day and am now on 5mg Eliquis twice a day.

    My OBGYN in the Emergency department DID tell me about the chances of heavy periods… until I explained to him that I don’t have a period… well haven’t for 10 years! He said… oh… well you should be just find then.

    Well…….. not so much. I had nothing whatsoever in the first month… but this month.. holy mother of god. I am on week two of my cycle with unrelenting heavy bleeding. I began to wonder if I needed to go to the emergency room. To clarify… I used to get a period for barely 3 days on my cycle. So… yeah this is a little different for me.

    But catch this… symptoms of menopause… completely gone! Maybe eliquis is the fountain of youth!

    After reading all of these comments I will definitely be going to get checked. I think I have been anaemic for at least a week. Feeling dizzy, faint, clammy… generally unwell. I thought it was the flu.

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      1. Thanks!

        Update! I am now in the second emergency room in as many days after a massive PE in my lung despite the Eliquis. I was very anaemic and had two units of blood and a pack cells or plasma.

        I have been given a medication to stem the bleeding and it has worked wonders. However it has seemingly caused a secondary PE… or perhaps it was already there… regardless I am in hospital. Will let you know what they decide to do… and any useful information for others from my experiences


  39. Thank you for writing this post. Like you I haven’t been able to find info on a never ending period while on blood thinners except for a forums.
    I found out I had a blood clot in my brain 2 weeks postpartum and because I was breastfeeding and wanted to continue, I was put on warfarin (eliquis can’t be taken while breastfeeding) and although my OB warned me about more bleeding I wasn’t expecting this. I’m currently on day 20 of what I think is my period. Some days are heavier, some days are lighter, sometimes it looks like it’s gonna stop only to come back the next day. My OB simply told me if the bleeding is heavier than my normal period that’s an issue. But it’s extremely irritating and I simply cannot wait to be off blood thinners. Only 2 more months to go!


  40. That is soooo horrible, I am currently experiencing my first cycle since being on xarelto, AND OMG I’m 1 more pad away from rushing to the ER, I am going through a pad every:45min SOAKED, my OBGYN and Hematologist advised me my cycle would get worse even though I didn’t think it could have gotten any worse than what it was pre xarelto. It’s horrible, I can’t even leave out the house longer than 30/40min or it’s a blood bath. I had a PE and clot in my arm and they can’t figure out why after 17 tubes of blood… Hysterectomy im sure is my only options as my fibroids are HUGE!!! THE PAIN IS UNBEARABLE at best and Ican no longer take motrin which seems to be the only that ever offered me ANY relief… It’s just really really HORRIBLE and I hope things get better for everyone on this site. Good thing my job is understanding and my youngest is 18.


  41. I am so relieved to have found this thread relating to my very recent experience. I just want women out there to know what to expect. Doctors tell us so much info and sometimes miss some crucial marks for sure.
    I had surgery on my tibia (shinbone) middle of Dec, which around 2 weeks post op they found a dvt in lower shin area via ultrasound. Got wheeled into er on the spot and got put on XARELTO 15mg x2 a day to try to desolve the dvt. No dr mentioned how it would effect my period. So 2 weeks after, my period started 3 days late. Prior to, I was regular at every 28days, 5 days of menstration. But on the meds, it lasted for 11days heavy day and night filling overnights every 2hours with clots every time night time was a nightmare. Period panties helped. As the days went on i frlt weak out of breath just to go to the bathroom, no color on face gums and under eyelids, heart beat fast and strong, headache night and day, swooshing sound in year. On 11th day i finally got an order for blood test to check hemoglobin, came back severely low, got admitted again to er for blood transfusion x2 bags… after 12 hours in er discharged still hemoglobin lower than normal range…
    Today is second day home after transfusion and have a high temp but its supposed to be normal after a transfusion. Hope I will stabilize soon and replenish the red cell count to the normal range.
    I still have PT to endure to get my leg moving correctly when I am well enough. What a nightmare. Please be caucious of all your symptoms ladies, kerp close contact with your primaries and keep researching. Good luck ladies!!

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  42. I am on Eliquis after developing a clot in the superior mesenteric vein about a year ago. I also had to have a cervical ablation about 7 years ago because after having gastric bypass surgery my period would not stop. Fast forward to today after not having a period since my ablation and all of a sudden I started bleeding. Has anyone else had this happen???


  43. This is so crazy I had an ablation that resulted in a PE recently. So I’m on 3 months of levenox (2x daily; I chose due to my lack of peripheral access and in order for blood checks I’d need a central line).

    This is crazy disheartening to hear no one was told anything in regards to effect of there blood thinners on there period. (I’m 30).

    I also have iron deficiency anemia.

    I am blessed with an absolutely amazing hematologist/oncologist that was assigned during my admission when the consult was put in.

    He was extremely thorough when he told me what to expect being on levenox…

    Especially as a female patient; being extremely iron deficient; & anemic. He told me that being on levenox could lead to very heavy periods even if I didn’t have them already; or even heavier periods if I had them right now. He told me if it got to the point it was unbearable or it didn’t stop or slow down when it should that I should stop the levenox for a specific period of days and contact him.

    I don’t understand why and providers would allow there patients to suffer or let them get to the point of passing out.

    Also another option is depo shots. It’s not like other birth control it doesn’t use the same hormones and is safer in many situations where people can’t use birth control. Like my hemo said depo wouldn’t be an issue if I ever wanted to use it again. Plus it stopped my period full stop for like a year each time I got the injection more than 1-3 times in a row. I had used it for 5 years straight and my period came back fine after like a year and a half.

    Hope that helps some of you.

    Levenox I like also because the half life is also 48 hrs. Your blood returns to normal within that time period so different than the pills it’s much easier to stop and make quick radical adjustments for procedures/emergencies ..ect. And it’s very blunt like the time of last injection.

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  44. I’m really glad found this too. I’ve been on Pradaxa for years cause genetic predisposition for blood to clot. Had noticed some heavier periods and clotting than I had before.

    I also am trying to fix metabolism so get blood labs every 3 months. Doc noticed high estrogen and i had lighter period. This all balanced out.

    But now period f in om hell. 9th day and still getting silver quarter to silver dollar sized clots every 2- 4 hours. I’m a tad bit concerned might have injured something in a jet tub not thinking about anything but feeling good after a hike.

    Called hematologist office and pretty much everyone just like “oh 41, yeah menopause or perimenopause.” Except metabolism doc that says my labs data doesnt support that.

    I’ve always used disposable soft cups but with larger clots dont work so well. I’ve now ordered pads and Amazon brand depends.

    Just not sure when call general practitioner doc. Everything online says 7 days but you kinda get scoffed at by nurses and such “is it getting worse?” Well no, it’s gotten better than that first couple days for sure, and not worse, but not letting up. Plus Covid stuff is really tough. They are trying keep people away from med facilities.

    Guess give a couple more days and cross fingers


    1. Women’s concerns are often dismissed by medical professionals, so I’ve experienced and seen. You might have to advocate for yourself if the bleeding doesn’t stop. Several women have ended up in the ER for bloodloss, and anemia is a real risk. When I bled a lot, I was frightened and called an on-call doctor who seemed completely unconcerned and just said “call back in 2-3 days if the bleeding doesn’t stop” (after I’d bled for 5 or 6 days extremely heavily–this was the first real period after stopping birth control and after my hospitalization, so I had no idea what was going on). I was extremely lucky in that the bleeding stopped and actually decreased in succeeding periods (I was also starting to exercise regularly, which my doctor said helps), but for some women, heavy bleeding can go for 2 weeks. Listen to your body and if you notice signs of anemia, harass your doctors/nurses as much as you have to to get the care you need.


    2. I wanted to give an update to what eventually happened with my case. After spending most of Sept and Oct having some kind of period from spotting to crazy clots. I got an appointment with my OBGYN. What was horrible was at the heaviest times, it was not like I was in constant flow, but it would come every few hours in a series of large clots. Usually after sitting and doing work, or eating a meal, or watching a TV show. Regular products just couldn’t handle the large influx. I don’t know what I would have done if I was not working from home.

      My OBGYN put me on progesterone and straight away with in 5 hours of the first pill, everything cleared up. not even spotting. She wanted to check everything out so I had a series of ultra sounds, and an even worse biopsy thing. Yeah it kinda hurt during it, but it was worse afterward cause felt so uncomfortable and wilted. like you had been beat up from inside out.

      Because everything came back pretty much normal. I only had one ovary slightly larger than the other, we decided to go with an IUD that had progesterone. Myrena is what i picked. My hematologist was ok with it cause no estrogen. I had always kinda resisted any hormone stuff, but i had such relief with the progesterone and so uncomfortable the last couple of months, I was sold.

      Got the IUD in late November and while I’ve had a bit of spotting here or there, it seems like my period has gone away altogether which is reported by lots of folks.

      Every three months I have a full panel of blood work done and a fasting, 30, 60, 90 after eating blood draw and my hormone levels had looked completely normal. All but for a couple of times my estrogen was kinda high. but my OBGYN said that for someone who is older, but not in menopause, she see’s this quite a bit.

      I hope this info can help others out there to have some other avenues to look at!


  45. Interesting to find so many others having the same issues. I myself was put on Eliquis after I had a mild heart attack and 3x bypass last June. For the next few months my period was normal. It disappeared for November and December, and finally came back just about 4 days ago. At first it seemed normal, but now I’m experiencing the heaviest flows I’ve had in a long time. I can’t just stop taking Eliquis either, as I’m at high risk for blood clots/stroke. I’m really hoping it doesn’t get any worse from here.


    1. So last period ended on 2-20. Nothing in March, but started 4-10 and I still have it 5-2. I know I should see a doctor about it, The first go around it was overflowing pads daily. At least this time it isn’t as bad, but still passing large clots. When I contacted the heart doctor’s office they said talk to your gynecologists or PCP. The heart doc is the one that put me on it!


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